Op zijn weblog Conscientious toont Jörg Colberg zich zeer enthousiast over de iPad app die Geert van Kesteren maakte van zijn boek Why Mister, Why? ‘Highly recommended,’ is de conclusie van zijn recensie.
Colberg was al zeer positief over Van Kesterens boek over de oorlog in Irak van 2003/2004: ‘With this book and Baghdad Calling, van Kesteren single-handedly not only produced the two most relevant photobooks about the United States’ Iraq war, but he also raised the bar of what the medium photobook could do for photojournalistic work.’
De app die van Kesteren onlangs publiceerde bevat meer foto’s en informatie dan het boek. Simpel maar doeltreffend, vindt Colberg: ‘But the app also shows that photojournalism does have a very good electronic future. Photojournalism should not be about reaching audiences first (by trying to be cool or hip) and about possibly having some sort of story second. Instead, it should be about well-produced stories first and then about trying to reach audiences with those stories.’
Conscientious Photo Magazine: Why Mister, Why? by Geert van Kesteren