Eind juli geven twee docenten van de FOTOfactory een vierdaagse cursus voor gevorderde fotografen om hun handschrift verder te ontwikkelen.
Hieronder in het Engels meer informatie over de cursus.
Advanced Summer Course Signature Development
Erik Vroons (GUP Magazine, Chief Editor)
Daria Tuminas (photographer, researcher, curator)
Both Vroons and Tuminas are teachers at the FOTOfactory Amsterdam.
Who am I as an artist and what is my work about, exactly? These are fundamental questions in order to arrive at a successful career in photography – regardless of the genre or field of work.
The aim of this intense 4-day workshop is to develop and shape your ‘signature’ as a photographer by awareness of conceptual thinking; how to reflect on and to communicate a work in progress both visually and in written word; building and layering a story by editing.
Within the workshop we will work with students that arrive with self-initiated works in progress, in order to:
• shape the concept of a project in development;
• practice presentation of this concept, both written and verbally;
• apply practical information (how to get to results);
• create awareness of platforms, exposure and related media characteristics (how do you present your work as a book, an exhibition, on a website, as multi-media, etc?)
• train the skill of production and editing of a series towards a (digital) portfolio presentation.
Students need to bring to class:
• a broad edit of 30-50 images of their work in progress (10 x 15 cm drugstore quality prints are good enough);
• laptop + extensive harddrive + digital camera;
• good spririt
Day 1: Introduction:
Welcome to students and introduction of the course
Introducing presentation by Erik Vroons. (GUP Magazine/New Dutch Talent catalogue/NewDawn paper)
“ What is Signature Development?”
Introducing presentation Daria Tuminas (award-winning photographer) “ The Life of a Photo Project”
Presentations of works by students.
free to explore the city of Amsterdam.
Day 2: Artist Statement Development:
Individual portfolio review sessions.
“The Art of the Artist Statement: Or How you Can Fail to Explain Yourself”
A playful but educative session with entertaining and to-the-point examples of good and bad quality artist statements of others as gathered by the teachers. The aim is to create awareness of the effects and effectiveness of visual and written creative exposure and the pitfalls of (mis)communication. Followed by comments, recommendations, and questions.
Introduction and explanation of individual assignments; working on advises given during the portfolio sessions.
working on individual assignments. Depending on the project that the students has brought to the workshop this might include: shooting in the area, making an additional research, appropriating images, studying texts as suggested by the teachers. The general task is to lift and boost your project with new ideas, materials, inspirations, or reflection from a new perspective arriving from the input and discussions so far.
Day 3: Lab Sessions:
Lab session. Teachers will be available for feedback/consultation on production of assignments and editing projects.
Lab session. See morning.
Day 4: Pictures on a Page:
Finalizing edits of projects/works in progress/artist statements. Implementing final edits to a portfolio for a digital magazine, including text and images (Indesign/PDF) – how many images? Which images? In what order? How many on a page? In what size? Etc. Teachers will schedule sessions with students individually. Technical assistaents for implementation of portfolios to Indesign available.
Group presentation and discussion/reflection on the final edits of each participant.
Drinks, snacks and music!
group: 10 students
WHEN: 23-26 July
WHERE: FOTOfactory Keizersgracht 82-bg – 1015 CT Amsterdam
COST: 265 EUR excluding 21%VAT
CONTACT: www.theFOTOfactory.nl
+31(0)20-7766 766
WEBSITE OF THE EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/1422065718043873/?fref=ts