Diefstal foto’s tijdens Paris Photo

Tijdens de afbouw van Paris Photo zijn afgelopen zondag enkele ingelijste foto’s gestolen van de Duitse galerie Daniel Blau. De vervoerder had het werk even opgesloten in een bergruimte terwijl ander materiaal naar de vrachtwagen werd gebracht. Een deur van de bergruimte is door dieven opengebroken, een andere openden ze met een sleutel.
De Amerikaanse fotohandelaar Alex Novak meldt in zijn nieuwsbrief wat er is weggehaald:

-One diptych of nuclear tests in the Bikini Atoll, 1946, vintage black and white
silver gelatin prints, each 23.3 x 45.4 cm (plus margins). The prints were
framed in light colored wooden frames that were 30 x 51 cm and finally wrapped
in bubble foil together.
The first photo shows the test area with beach and palms in the foreground and
the ocean with ships on it in the background. The second photo shows the same
area, with the mushroom cloud rising up from the ocean.

-One Margaret Bourke-White vintage photograph titled: “Path of a Parachute Flare
(Moscow)”, 1941, vintage silver gelatin print, 25.7 x 33.6 cm, framed in a light
colored wooden frame, 60 x 48 cm, and also wrapped in bubble foil. This is the
well known image used for the dust cover and on page 190 of “Shooting the
Russian War” by M. Bourke-White. It shows Moscow at night, dimly illuminated by
the magnesium torches falling from the sky.

-One ancient stone fiber beater from New Zealand of about 25 cm length and 8 cm
diameter. A hand tool, in the shape of a stout club, like a short version of a
British policeman’s club.

If you have been offered these pieces, or know anything about their whereabouts,
please contact Daniel Blau at the number below, the Paris police, your local
police or the staff of Paris Photo immediately.

Daniel Blau
Galerie Daniel Blau
Odeonsplatz 12
80539 Munich

tel. +49 89 297342
fax +49 89 24204860
email: contact@danielblau.de