Erwin Olaf krijgt ‘achievement’ Lucie

Erwin Olaf wordt vandaag in New York geëerd met een mooie prijs uitgereikt, een Achievement in Advertising van de Lucie Awards.
Op de website van de jaarlijkse Amerikaanse prijzenregen lezen we:
‘Over the years many of Olaf’s works – from his unabashed nude portraiture and intense symbolism to the unflinching gaze in his blood-drenched images of staged violence – have provoked controversy. Not surprisingly, this ability to attract attention has seen his work embraced by the advertising world. He has produced commercials for Lavazza, BMW, Microsoft and Nintendo, among others. In 1999, his worldwide campaign for Diesel Jeans won him the coveted Silver Lion at the Festival for Advertising in Cannes, and he was awarded the same prize two years later for his imagery produced for Heineken.’

Van Olaf hangt momenteel een grote tentoonstelling in het Fotomuseum Den Haag.