Foto stadhuis Siena wint Nederlandse prijs Sony-competitie

De Leidse medische onderzoeker Michael Echteld is de winnaar van de Nederlandse editie van de Sony World Photography Awards, met een foto van het binnenhof van het stadhuis in het Italiaanse Siena.

Het Engelse persbericht:

Dutch photographer Michael Echteld who lives in Leiden, is today named as the winner of the Netherlands National Award, part of the prestigious 2015 Sony World Photography Awards.

Echteld’s winning image “Looking up the Torre de Mangia” was chosen as the single best photograph taken by a Dutch photographer entered into any of the ten Open categories of the 2015 Sony World Photography Awards, the world’s biggest photography competition.

Describing the image Echteld comments : “This image was taken on the inner court of the Pallazzo Publico (Town Hall) in Siena, Italy. While looking straight up, the patterns and symmetry in the architecture are wonderfully amplified. The asymmetrical position of the Torre del Mangia (1344) nicely disrupts the symmetry. The lighting for this shot was difficult. Five different exposures were taken and blended and balanced in post processing”

Prize and exhibition 
Echteld, a senior health care researcher originally from Paramaribo, Suriname, has won a Sony Alpha 711 camera.  He will be also flown to London to attend the 2015 Sony World Photography Awards gala ceremony on 23 April and the winning image will be shown as part of the 2015 Sony World Photography Awards exhibition at Somerset House, London from 24 April – 10 May.

Runner up positions

  • 2nd place – Theo de Witte
  • 3rd place – Lione Bakker