Op 23 april is er in het Fotomuseum Antwerpen om 14 uur een fotografie-veiling. Het museum wil hiermee de nu nog bescheiden fotomarkt in België een stimulans geven. Er is werk te koop van particulieren en van professionele handelaren.
Voor deze eerste veiling is bewust gekozen voor een breed aanbod. Vanaf 12 april is het aanbod tentoongesteld in de bibliotheek van het Fotomuseum Antwerpen.
Uit het Engelstalige persbericht:
‘Affordable and yet remarkable items include an engraving showing a camera obscura by Jacques-Louis Goussier (who collaborated with Diderot and d’Alembert on their famous encyclopaedia), an anonymous ambrotype in its original frame with an unusual picture of two women shoeing a horse, or Joseph Dupont’s photograph of the Antwerp Stock Exchange after the fire of 2 August 1858.
Also from the 19th century but with a somewhat higher valuation, are photographic prints by David Octavius Hill, Julia Margaret Cameron, Jan Frans Michiels and a fine portfolio of exceptionally well-preserved large-format prints by Bonfils. Henri Le Secq is represented by some phototypes, produced c. 1879, from his images of Rheims Cathedral taken in from 1852.
Belgian pictorialism is well represented with a number of works by Gustave Marissiaux, including "Intérieur d’Eglise, Italie" from 1905, alongside work by Edmond Sacré, Léonard Misonne, Frank Meadow Sutcliffe, Emile Rombaut, and others. Also on offer are rare prints by Edouard Hannon (also known mainly as a pictorialist) of his documentary images during his business trips to Russia for the Solvay company.
Modernist photography is present with works by photographers such as Man Ray, Arthur Benda and Willy Kessels. The fact that 3 unique photograms by Filip Tas, made during his involvement in the artists’ group G 58, are coming on the market at the same time is quite exceptional.
More recent contributions include work by Andy Warhol, Huger Foote, Chris Killip, Judy Linn and Thomas Ruff.’
Een catalogus is aan te vragen bij monica.sandoval@fotografie.provant.be
Meer informatie over de veiling bij Pool.ANDRIES@fotografie.provant.be
Over het museum: www.fotomuseum.be