Hasselblad beëindigt de productie van de camera 503CW, het laatste model van het V-systeem, dat ruim 50 jaar een belangrijke rol speelde in de fotografie van hoge technische kwaliteit. Analoog uiteraard. De V kwam van Victor Hasselblad, die in de vorige eeuw met deze middenformaat-camera met snelle lenzen en slutiertijden – geschikt om vanuit de hand te gebruiken – kwalitietsconcurrenten als Leica de loef wilde afsteken.
Het Engelse persbericht:
Hasselblad is to cease production of its 503CW model – the last V System camera in the company’s portfolio.
The decision, which comes into immediate effect, brings to an end over a half century of evolution of the company’s original camera line.
Dr. Larry Hansen, Hasselblad Chairman and CEO said: "Everything has its place in time. The veteran 503CW combined with an extensive V System range of interchangeable lenses and accessories, was for seventeen years the camera of choice for discerning professionals and aspirational amateur photographers.
But there has been a substantial decline in demand for this camera over the past five years or so and the time has now come for us to reluctantly consign the V System to history. In so doing we would like to thank all fans and customers for both their loyalty and their enthusiasm for our legacy Hasselblad V System."
He added: "Now of course the focus on medium format capture is on our H System – the world’s most advanced camera system. The latest generation cameras represent medium format capture engineering at its most exemplary and are well-placed to secure and underpin the company’s unrivalled reputation for providing highest image quality and craftsmanship. Additionally we are focusing on new products for advanced enthusiasts."
Hasselblad has confirmed that the last 503CW has rolled off the production line but the company will continue to provide V System accessories while stocks last. V System support will also still be available through current channels.
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