Horlogemaker sponsort World Press Photo

Maurice Lacroix is partner geworden van de jaarlijkse prijsuitreiking van World Press Photo in Amsterdam. De sponsoring door de Zwitserse horlogefabrikant behelst onder meer een beurs van 20 duizend euro onder de titel Follow Your Convictions en het ter beschikking stellen van Lacroix-horloges aan de categoriewinnaars.
Vervolg van het Engelstalige persbericht:

Martin Bachmann, CEO Maurice Lacroix, says of this new collaboration, “The partnership with World Press Photo, which has been the world’s most prestigious photo contest since 1955, perfectly encapsulates the message behind our ‘Follow your convictions’ philosophy. Photographs tell authentic stories, capture true events or evoke contemporary themes. And the unifying factor in all this is the ability of photographers around the world to follow their convictions. It is their work alone that allows such an emotionally charged record of the times we live in to emerge.”

Michiel Munneke, Managing Director of World Press Photo, says “I am excited about our cooperation. We share common values like excellence and authenticity. Maurice Lacroix creates a range of watches all characterized by designs reflecting the personalities of the designers. They push the boundaries of conventional design. Taking risks simply because they believe in it. The concept of ‘following your convictions’ perfectly applies to photojournalists. Commitment, dedication and staying true to what you really believe in, is what makes them cover the world for us. I am very pleased Maurice Lacroix is joining us in celebrating excellence in photojournalism by supporting our annual Awards Ceremony and enabling one award-winning photographer to following his or her convictions with a grant.”

The awards ceremony is preceded by a two-day program of lectures, discussions and screenings of photography. The exhibition of prize-winning photography will be shown at the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam from 22 April to 19 June and subsequently visit over 100 locations around the world.

