Het agentschap Noor Images gaat uitbreiden. Dat valt af te leiden uit de oproep aan fotografen om zich aan te melden voor aansluiting. UIteraard moeten geïnteresseerde fotografen aan stevige eisen voldoen. En voor 5 augustus reageren.
Eind augustus vergaderen de leden van Noor over de ingestuurde aanmeldingen.
Hieronder de eisen en toelichting in het Engels:
Applicants should demonstrate an ability to identify and produce stories at the highest standards of journalistic and ethical integrity. We are looking for photographers with a distinct signature and visual excellence, who share the ideals and mission of NOOR: to contribute to a growing understanding of the world by producing independent in-depth visual reports.
As a group, NOOR respects the marketplace as it is, but neither takes direction from it nor bases its decisions solely upon its demands.
The NOOR Foundation is an international non-profit organization creating and distributing compelling photojournalistic works with the aim to raise awareness and to contribute to the visual history of mankind. The foundation’s mission is to provide the impetus to undertake documentary photography and educational projects.
NOOR members are Nina Berman, Philip Blenkinsop, Pep Bonet, Alixandra Fazzina, Jan Grarup, Stanley Greene, Yuri Kozyrev, Kadir van Lohuizen, Jon Lowenstein, Francesco Zizola and Claudia Hinterseer (managing director)
NOOR’s members own NOOR. New members will spend one year with NOOR before full membership is offered. All members are obliged to purchase shares, attend annual meetings and contribute dynamically and responsibly to the NOOR foundation and to the business of the agency to collectively and actively promote and sell.
Portfolio submission:
– You should write an explanation in English for your desire to join NOOR;
– You should send us a selection, no more than 50 images, of your work, including several feature stories;
– Submit your work no greater than 1024 pixels wide with embedded captions and story introductions via our FTP (the address for submissions is available upon request via office@noorimages.com)
For more information, please visit our website or reach out to Claudia Hinterseer, managing director NOOR.
Your submission should be entered no later than Friday 5 August 2011. The members of NOOR will consider new candidates during the annual meeting in Amsterdam, at the end of August 2011.