In juni en juli zijn in 3000-voud posters verspreid in Parijs met daarop bijgaande foto van Paul Kooiker. Het maakt onderdeel uit van het project [42X60], dat wordt georganiseerd door Carole Chichet en Malvina Silberman. Een tiental kunstenaars ging Kooiker voor in deze bijzondere verspreiding van ‘kunst op straat’.
De Engelstalige toelichting op het project:
‘[42X60] calls on an artist to create an original art work to be edited on a 42×60 format.
The artist will have to work within this imposed format and adapt to the specifics thereof. Three thousand copies, exhibited per traditional posting method, will catch the Parisian passer-by attention during two month. During this same period copies will deposited in various art centres throughout France. Possibilities of foreign distribution are studied.
This exhibit concept will confront the artists’ work against the authentic street environment.
In concert, the [42×60] internet site will welcome complementary interviews of the artist allowing for a more precise approach and decoding of the work. The internet site aims at prolonging the artists’ intention and mark in time the short-lived nature of the exhibit. In time, archives of both works and interviews will add to the website.’
Op de website is onder meer een video-interview te zien met Paul Kooiker.