Suau heeft het niet breed

Anthony Suau, sinds anderhalve week tweevoudig winnaar van de World Press Photo of the Year heeft het financieel gezien niet breed. In een interview geft hij aan dat er snel opdrachten bninnen moeten komen, anders ziet hij zich gedwongen te kiezen voor een andere baan of het huis te verkopen dat hij voor zijn gezin heeft gekocht.
Lees het interview in Editor & Publisher: World Press Photo, Pulitzer-Winning Photographer Struggles to Find Work

Later nuanceerde Suau zijn persoonlijke situatie in een reactie bij PDN Online:

After what I have read in the past days I would like to clarify a few
rising issues. First I am a very privileged photographer in that I
have been supported by TIME magazine for many years. In every aspect,
TIME magazine, backed the production of the images that won the world
press, and did publish a selection of those images in the magazine in
May 08’. In addition TIME backed and published several projects I had
produced last year and dozens of others I have made over the years.
When I was informed that I had won the World Press I was at TIME
magazine discuss a new project concerning the economy. In addition I
am not in any immediate financial situation. The past couple of months
have been slow for assignments underlining my deeper concerns for what
is happening in the industry. Recent months have brought about great
strains to many aspects of the industry including stock sales,
additional editorial and commercial assignments, print sales and so
on. They have all fallen so dramatically that they are nearly non-
existent causing serious concerns and hardships among many
photographers. Personally, my greatest concern, is the long term
affects of this situation. In winning the World Press I felt strongly
compelled to address this situation. There are many issues today, in
this country and around the world that need the attention of important
photographers who are unable to find the funding to bring those voices
to the forefront.