Komende vrijdag is er in Den Haag een symposium over collectievorming van fotografie, bij gelegenheid van het feit dat er in Nederland sinds 100 jaar fotografie kunsthistorisch verantwoord verzameld wordt. De bijeenkomst is georganiseerd door het Nederlands Fotogenootschap, Fotomuseum Den Haag en de afdeling Bijzondere Collecties van de Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden.
Het Engelstalige bericht vervolgt:
The aim of the symposium is threefold: first, to inform the public about the general history and background of collecting photography and to chronicle the history of several important museo- logical collections; second, to provide insight into the choices, directions and dilemmas photography curators face as a result of the nature of the photographic medium and the specific history of their collection; and third, to discuss the relation- ship between collecting and the writing of the history (histories) of photography.
Photography curators Susanna Brown from The Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and Alison Nordstro?m from The George Eastman House, Rochester (New York), and Maartje van den Heuvel from the Special Collections of Leiden University in the Netherlands will give brief introductions to their collections, paying special attention to the context, history, acquisition policy and possible problems regarding the collections they manage.
Following this, a panel discussion will take place, moderated by Rachel Esner of the University of Amsterdam. The speakers will be joined by Hripsime? Visser, curator of photography at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, and Hans Rooseboom, curator of the photography collection of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.
The discussion will center on the issues raised by the speakers, in particular on how the history of their collection has shaped current collecting policy, and the audience will be invited to participate.
Programme Friday, 16 April 2010
Location: auditorium Gemeentemuseum Den Haag Stadhouderslaan 41, 2517 HV The Hague
9.30 Tea and coffee
10.00 Welcome by Wim van Sinderen (the Hague Museum of Photography)
10.05 Introduction by Rachel Esner (moderator) (Assistant Professor of the History of Modern Art, University of Amsterdam)
10.15 Maartje van den Heuvel (Special Collections, Leiden University)
10.30 Alison Nordstro?m (George Eastman House, Rochester, NY, USA)
11.00 Coffee break
11.15 Susanna Brown (Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK)
11.45 Panel discussion with the speakers, joined by Hripsime? Visser (Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam) and Hans Rooseboom (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam)
12.45 End.
Possibility to visit the exhibition Photography! A Special Collection at Leiden University in the adjacent the Hague Museum of Photography
Entrance fee: 30 euro / students 15 euro / members of the Dutch Photo Society: free Please make your reservation at reserveren@fmdh.nl