Adam Broomberg (South Africa, 1970) and Oliver Chanarin (Great Britain 1971) talk about their exhibition To photograph the Details of a Dark Horse in Low Light, at Foam in Amsterdam. Contemplating on Kodak film being ‘racist’ and a Polaroid camera supporting the apartheid regime in South Africa. And in the meantime producing ethnographic photography with pygmees in the rainforest of Gabon.
On being delighted that after shooting many rolls of film only one photo could be developed.
On throwing away cameras.
And on the power that photographic equipment provides to authorities.
An exhibition to be experienced as a political essay.
Interview: Edie Peters, registration and film editing: Marcel Molle
Broomberg & Chanarin
To Photograph the Details of a Dark Horse in Low Light
March 20 – June 3, 2015
Website Broomberg & Chanarin: