Video registration of press conference World Press Photo Contest 2014

PhotoQ offers, in a co-production with Crystal Park New Media, a complete video registration of the press conference on Friday, Feb 14, 2014 of the Word Press Photo Contest. Watch and listen to jury chair Gary Knight explaining how and why the winning pictures and stories were chosen.

See all 7 parts on our Vimeo channel wpp2014


Or watch them beneath:

General introduction by Gary Knight and Michiel Munneke:


Gary Knight on the winning photos by Alessandro Penso, William Daniels, Philippe Lopez and Goran Tomasevic:


Gary Knight on the winning photos by Tyler Hicks, Christopher Vanegas, Sara Naomi Lewkowicz, Julius Schrank, Fred Ramos, Andrzej Grygiel, Quinn Rooney, Peter Holgersson, Markus Schreiber, Carla Kogelman, Brent Stirton, Denis Dailleux, Christian Ziegler and Steve Winter:


Gary Knight explaining why the jury chose John Stanmeyer’s photo as the winning picture:


Gary Knight answering questions by PhotoQ:
• why not Syria for the winning photo?
• chose the jury deliberately for photos with a mystery?


Gary Knight answering other questions during the press conference:
• which photo came at second place?
• no photos from Ukraine?


Gary Knight on the situation photojournalism is in nowadays: 


Crystal Park New Media