World Press Photo past categorieën aan

Voor de komende wedstrijd voor de beste foto’s van 2012 heeft World Press Photo veranderingen in de categorieën doorgevoerd. Er is een categorie Mensen, onderverdeeld in ‘waargenomen portretten’ en ‘geposeerde portretten’; de categorie Sport krijgt als onderdelen actiefoto’s en reportages; de categorie Kunst en Entertainment verdwijnt.
Het Engelstalige persbericht:

World Press Photo is pleased to announce that the jury of the 2013 World Press Photo Contest will be chaired by Gary Knight, UK, founder photographer of VII Photo Agency. He will be supported by an international jury of 18 leading professionals in the field of photojournalism. For the 56th annual photo contest, a number of the category definitions have been adjusted. World Press Photo’s annual competition is the leading photojournalism contest in the world, and free to enter for all professional photojournalists and their representatives. The entry website will open at the beginning of December 2012.

Gary Knight is a photographer and photojournalist, and a co-founder of VII Photo agency. He was a contract photographer for Newsweek for ten years, has held the prestigious Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University, and currently divides his time between academia and working on long-term photography projects. He previously was a jury member in the 2004 and 2006 Photo Contests and chaired the jury in 2008. You can read his full biography here:

Gary Knight reflects on the task of judging the contest: “The World Press Photo Award is constantly evolving as it seeks to adapt to the rapid changes in the media landscape. It takes its role as the world’s most prestigious and multi-genre global press-photography award very diligently and seriously. As I look forward to chairing the jury again, there are new categories, juries made up of specialists in each genre and multimedia has been added. Submissions pour in from all over the world and the award reflects the confidence and ability that indigenous photographers photographing their own communities have. This reach has contributed to the success of the World Press Photo Foundation and Academy to develop the important educational opportunities worldwide in areas where such opportunities may not otherwise exist. This suggests more than just unprecedented evolution and the great reach of the award – I believe it is an indicator that photojournalism and documentary photography are very healthy.”

2013 categories
The 2013 Photo Contest edition will include a number of changes in the categories. Michiel Munneke, Managing Director, World Press Photo, explains: "In 2010, we introduced the system of specialized juries for Sports, Nature, and Portraits, to bring more focus into the judging. We have spoken with former judges and people throughout the industry and believe it is time for the next step in the contest. For the 2013 Photo Contest, we have refined the category definitions to improve the quality of the entries."
Munneke continues that the new categories should also resonate with the established World Press Photo audience:"There are a growing number of awards and recognitions for photojournalists, but World Press Photo is unique. The scope of its reach brings the work of photojournalists to the general public through the exhibition and website, which draw millions. While adapting the categories, we want to sustain that relationship and keep the categories clear and recognizable to our audiences."

List of the 2013 Photo Contest categories:
· General News
· Spot News
· Contemporary Issues
· Daily Life
· People: Observed Portraits
Staged Portraits
· Nature
· Sports: Sports Action
Sports Feature

A full description of the categories is available on the World Press Photo website:

How to enter the contest?
The 2013 World Press Photo Contest will be open for participants to enter their work from the beginning of December 2012. The deadline for submissions is 17 January 2013, 23.59 CET. Entries may only be submitted online via the World Press Photo entry website. A user name and password are required to enter and can be requested from December 2012 onwards. The deadline for requesting a user name and password is 11 January 2013, 23.59 CET. Please visit for more information.

The judging
An international jury of leading professionals in the field of photojournalism worldwide will judge the entries at the World Press Photo office in Amsterdam from 2 February until 14 February 2013. The full list of judges will be announced later.
In the 2012 contest, 101,254 images were submitted to the contest. The number of participating photographers was 5,247, representing 124 different nationalities.

The results of the contest will be announced on 15 February 2013 in a press conference at the Amsterdam City Hall and on the Foundation’s website.
The prize-winning pictures are presented in an exhibition that travels through more than 100 cities in over 45 countries, to start in Amsterdam at the end of April 2013.

Multimedia contest
The third edition of the World Press Photo multimedia contest will be held in January 2013. Details about the multimedia contest will be announced later this year.