Wie wil meedingen naar de prijzen bij World Press Photo kan sinds begin deze maand aan de slag. Zowel voor de reguliere wedstrijd als voor de multimedia-competitie staat de inzending open. Er is een nieuwe categorie voor lange-termijn-projecten, Portret en Sport zijn teruggebracht tot enkele categorieën, series mogen maximaal 10 foto’s bevatten in plaats van 12 en er is een nieuwe regel ter voorkoming van al te enthousiaste manipulatie.
Het Engelse persbericht:
World Press Photo invites all professional photojournalists and other visual storytellers worldwide to participate in the 58th annual photo contest and the 5th annual multimedia contest. The final deadline for submissions for both contests is 14 January 2015. For this new season, there are a number of changes in the setup of the photo contest, including the introduction of a category for long-term projects and a new procedure for assessing the post-processing of files. See here for a detailed overview: http://www.worldpressphoto.org/contest
How to enter the 2015 Photo Contest
Entries may only be submitted online via the World Press Photo entry website: http://submit.worldpressphoto.org. A username and password are required to enter and can be requested from today onwards until 8 January 2015, 23.59 CET. The final deadline for submissions is 14 January 2015, 23.59 CET.
New this year
Among the several new features of the 2015 Photo Contest, there is the launch of a new category: ‘Long-Term Projects’, as well as the requirement to provide files as recorded by the camera for all images that proceed to the final stages of the contest.
An international jury of leading professionals in the field of photojournalism will judge the entries at the World Press Photo office in Amsterdam from the beginning of February, headed by jury chair Michele McNally, assistant managing editor of The New York Times, who will also lead the News category. The jury chairs for the other themed categories, Sports, Nature, Portraits and Documentary are Mark Baker, Peter-Matthias Gaede, Alessia Glaviano and Donald Weber.
Winners’ announcement
The results of the 2015 Photo Contest will be announced on 12 February 2015.
The jury gives first, second, and third prizes in all categories. First-prize winners in each category receive a cash prize of 1,500 euros. Winners of second and third prizes, and those receiving honorable mention, receive a Golden Eye Award and a diploma. The premier award, the World Press Photo of the Year, carries a cash prize of 10,000 euros. In addition, Canon will donate a professional DSLR camera and lens kit to the winning photographer of the World Press Photo of the Year 2014. The annual Awards Days, a two-day celebration of the prizewinners, takes place in Amsterdam on 24 and 25 April 2015.
The prize-winning pictures are presented in an exhibition that travels year-round to about 100 cities in 45 countries, to start in Amsterdam in De Nieuwe Kerk in April 2015.
Detailed overview of the 2015 Photo Contest
You can find the category descriptions, the full list of jury members and their biographies, as well as an overview of what has changed in the photo contest for 2015 explained by Maarten Koets, World Press Photo’s acting managing director, here: http://www.worldpressphoto.org/contest
2015 World Press Photo Multimedia Contest
How to enter the 2015 Multimedia Contest
The deadline for registrations and submissions is 14 January 2015, 23.59 CET. Entries may only be submitted online via the World Press Photo entry website: http://multimedia.worldpressphoto.org
The multimedia contest is set up separately from the annual photojournalism contest: different rules of entry apply, and the entries are judged by different teams of jury members.
An international jury of leading professionals from the fields of visual journalism and documentary storytelling will be judging the entries under the guidance of jury chair Marianne Lévy-Leblond, head of web productions and transmedia projects ARTE France.
Winners’ announcement
The winners of the 2015 Multimedia Contest will be announced on Wednesday, 11 March 2015.
The first-place winners in each category will be awarded a cash prize of 1,500 euros and a Golden Eye Award. Winners of second and third prizes receive a Golden Eye Award and a diploma. The prizes will be presented during the 2015 Awards Days in Amsterdam.
Detailed overview of the 2015 Multimedia Contest
You can find the category descriptions, the full list of jury members, as well as an overview of the setup modifications for the 2015 contest explained by Maarten Koets, World Press Photo’s acting managing director here: http://www.worldpressphoto.org/contest
Quick links:
Entry website 2015 Photo Contest: http://submit.worldpressphoto.org
Entry website 2015 Multimedia Contest: http://multimedia.worldpressphoto.org
Q&A with Maarten Koets about the 2015 Contests: http://www.worldpressphoto.org/news/seven-questions-maarten-koets-about-2015-world-press-photo-contests
Jury 2015 Photo Contest: http://www.worldpressphoto.org/2015-photo-contest/jury
Jury 2015 Multimedia Contest: http://www.worldpressphoto.org/2015-multimedia-contest/jury
Categories 2015 Photo Contest: http://www.worldpressphoto.org/2015-photo-contest/categories
Categories 2015 Multimedia Contest: http://www.worldpressphoto.org/2015-multimedia-contest/categories